Popular Locals Korean Slang in 2021 To Learn!

Popular Korean Slang in 2021 That Will Make You Looks Like a Locals!

In this article we will share to you the popular slang in 2021 to makes you looks like a local korean people. Korean use slang in their daily life with friends and love ones, during their vlog or live streams. Therefore we will share to you some of korean slang that you might already knew from watching korean drama or from texting with your korean friend. Let’s dive right to it.

멍청비용 (mong-chong-bi-yong)

“멍청” (mong–chong) translates to “dumb” or “foolish”.
“비용” (bi–yong) means “expenses”.
This means foolish expenses or spend money in the wrong item.

쓸쓸비용 (sseul-sseul-bi-yong)

“쓸쓸” (sseul–sseul) means “loneliness”.
“비용” (bi–yong) translates into “expenses”.
This means expenses use to fight one’s loneliness.

나심비 (na-shim-bi)

“나” (na) meaning “my”.
“심리” (sim-ri) meaning “psychological state”.
“가성비” (ka-seong-bi) meaning “cost-effectiveness”.
This means purchase something based on how much fulfillment they got from the products / service.

홧김비용 (hwat-kim-bi-yong)

“홧김” (hwat–gim) means “in the heat of the moment”.
“비용” (bi–yong) means “expenses”.
This means spend money for self care to fight stress.

고스팅 (go-seu-ting)

This just exactly mean as it’s word “Ghosting”, when someone just suddenly disappeared from chat room without any notice or text.

인스피리언스족 (in-seu-pi-ri-eon-seu-jok)

This is also exactly as the words said “Insperience-jok” which means indoor, inspired, experience.
The word “족” (jok) means “tribe”.
This means community who do the inspirience.

누물보 (nu-mul-bo)

This slang actually came from “누구 물어본 사람있어?” (nugu-mulleo-bon-saram-isseo), means “Did anyone ask?”

이생망 (ee-saeng-mang)

This slang came from the word “이번 생은 망했어” (ee-bon-saeng-eun-mang-haesseo), means “I’m done for this life”. Which actually just means “hopeless”.

혼코노 (hon-ko-no)

This slang came from “혼자 코인 노래방에 가다” (honja-ko-een-noraebang-eh-gada), means solo karaoke.

남친 (nam-chin) 여친 (yeo-chin)

남친 (namchin) actually came from 남자 친구 (namja chingu) means boyfriend
여친 (yeochin) came from 여자 친구(yeoja chingu) means girlfriend.

남사친 (nam-sa-chin) 여사친 (yeo-sa-chin)

남 (nam) is short for 남자 (namja), meaning “man”
여 (yeo) is short for 여자 (yeoja), meaning “woman”
사 (sa) is short for 사람 (saram), meaning “person”
친 (chin) is short for 친구 (chingu), meaning friend.
This means Male friend or female friend.

오놀아놈 (oh-nol-ah-nom)

This word came from “오우 놀 줄 아는 놈이네” (oh–nol-jul-ah-neun-nom-ee-neh), means “someone who know how to have fun”.

내또출 (nae-ddo-chul)

This word came from “내일 또 출근” (nae-il-ddo–chul-geun), means “I have to go to work tomorrow again”.

자만추 (ja-man-chu)

Came from “자연스러운 만남 추구” (ja-yeon-seu-reo-woon-man-nam-chu-gu), means “meeting and dating someone naturally / without efforts”.

노잼 (no-jaem)

노 (no) means “no” or “not”
잼 (jaem) is the first part of 재미있어요 (jaemiisseoyo), means interesting.
This means nothing interesting.

꿀잼 (kkul-jaem)

꿀 (kkul) means ‘cool’.
잼 (jaem) is short for 재미있어요 (jaemiisseoyo), means interesting.
This means really interesting.

비담 (bi-dam)

This words came from “비주얼 담당” (bi-ju-eol-dam-dang), means “visuals in-charge”, refer to the most good looking person in the group.

얼빡 (eol-ppak)

This words came from “얼굴이 여백 없이 빡빡하게 들어가 있는 사진” (eolgulee-yeobaek-eobsi-ppakppak-hagye-deuleoga-it-neun-sajin) means “close up pictures that no other background shown other than the face”.

스라밸 (seu-ra-bel) / 워라밸 (wo-ra-bel)

Came from the words “스터디 라이프 밸런스” (seu-teo-dee-la-ee-beu-bael-lon-seu) means “study-life balance”, and the words 워라밸 (wo-ra-bel) came from “워크 라이프 밸런스” (wo-keu-la-ee-beu-bael-lon-seu) means “work-life balance”.

슬세권 (seul-se-kwon)

슬 came from the words “슬리퍼” (seul-li-peo), means “slippers”.
세권 came from the words “역세권” (yeok-se–kwon), means “station district”.
This means place where you can use slippers.

복세편살 (bok-se-pyeon-sal)

Came from the words“복잡한 세상 편하게 살자” (bokjap-han-sesang-pyeon-hagye-salja), means “Let’s try to live well in this complicated world.”

오저치고 (oh-jeo-chi-go)

Came form the words “오늘 저녁 치킨 고” (oneul-jeo-nyeok-chi-kin-go), means “Let’s have chicken for dinner tonight.”

만반잘부 (man-ban-jal-bu)

This words came from “만나서 반가워 잘 부탁해” (mannaseo-bangaweo-jal–butakhae), means “Nice to meet, hope that we’ll get along.”

삼귀다 (sam-gwi-da)

Came from the words “사귀다” (sa-gwi-da), means “officially dating”.
However, the word “사” (sa) “4”, is replaced with the word “삼” (sam) “3”.
This means that the relationship is not at the “officially dating” stage.

졌잘싸 (jyeot-jal-ssa)

Came from the words “졌지만 잘 싸웠다” (jyeot-jiman-jal–ssa-wot-da), means “Even though I lost, it was a good fight.”

팬아저 (paen-ah-jeo)

Came from the words “팬이 아니어도 저장” (paen-ee-ah-ni-eo-do-jeojang), which means “I’m still saving the picture even though I’m not a fan.”

갑통알 (gab-tong-al)

This slang came from “갑자기 통장을 보니 알바를 해야할듯” (gabjagi-tongjang-eul-boni-alba-reul-haeya-hal-deut), means “the sudden feeling of wanting to do part-time job after looking at one’s bank account”.

얼죽아 (eol-juk-ah)

This slang comes from “얼어 죽어도 아이스” (eol-eo-juk-eo-do-ah-ee-seu), means “Even if I freeze to death, I’ll still pick iced.” refer to those who love to drink ice / cold stuff.

알잘딱깔센 (al-jal-ddak-kkal-sen)

This slang came from “알아서 잘” (al-ra-seo-jal) means “as you deem fit”.
“딱 깔끔하고” (ddak–kkal-kkeum-ha-go) means “exactly and clearly”.
“센스있게” (sen-seu-it-ge) means “sensibly”.
Which means think twice before make a decision.

점메추 (jeom-meh-chu)

This word came from “점심메뉴 추천” (jeom-sim-meh-nyu-chu-cheon), means “lunch menu recommendations”.

댕댕이 (daeng-daeng-ee)

This slang came from “멍멍이” (meong-meong-ee), means “puppy”. 

넵무새 (neb-mu-sae)

This slang came from the words “넵” (neb), means “yes”, and “앵무새” (aeng-mu–sae), means “parrot”.
This means someone who always say yes to everything.

와우내 (wa-woo-nae)

Came from the word “wow”, which is “와우” (wa–u), and “내” (nae) which means impressed.

횰로가 (hyol-ro-ga)

“홀로” (hol–ro), means “alone”.
“욜로” (yol–ro), means “YOLO”.
“가” (ga) means “home”.
This means someone who live alone and free to decorate his own home as he chooses.

핑프 (ping-peu)

“핑거” (ping-geo), means “finger”.
“프린세스/프린스” (peu-rin-se-seu/peu-rin-seu), means “princess” and “prince”.
This means someone who is lazy to do their own research and just prefer to ask to other people.

순삭 (sun-sak)

Came from the words “순간삭제” (sun-gan-sak-je), means “moment deleted”.
This means time passed quickly and moment flies.

할많하않 (hal-mahn-ha-ahn)

Came from the words “할 말은 많지만 하지 않겠다” (hal-mal-reun-mahn-jiman-ha-ji-ahn-get-da), means “I have many things to say but I won’t say them.”

칼퇴 (kal-twe)

This term is derived from the phrase “칼같이 퇴근하다” (kkal-gat-chi-twe-geun-hada), which means “to get off work on the dot”. Use this for colleagues who knock off work at 6PM sharp, not a minute earlier or later.

케바케 (keh-ba-ke) / 사바사 (sa-ba-sa)

Came from the words “케이스 바이 케이스” (keh-ee-seu-ba-ee-keh-ee-seu), means “case by case”, and “사람 바이 사람” (saram-ba-ee-saram), means “person by person”. This means things are different based on each case on each person.

갑분싸 (gab-bun-ssa)

Came from the words “갑자기 분위기 싸해짐” (gab-ja-gi-bun-wi-gi-ssa-hae-jim), means “the mood suddenly turned cold”. This means unexciting joke.

솔까말 (sol-kka-mal)

솔 (sol) stands for 솔직히 (soljiki), means “honestly”.
까 (kka) and 말 (mal) came from 까놓고 말하다 (kkanoko malhada), means “speak your mind”.
This means Honestly speaking.

호캉스 (ho-kang-seu)

호텔 (ho-tel) means hotel.
바캉스 (ba-kang-seu) means vacation.
This means staycation in south korea.

현웃 (hyeon-ut)

Came from the words 현실에서 웃음 (hyeonsireseo useum), means “laughter (웃음 | useum) in real life (현실에서 | hyeonsireseo).” This means literally laugh out loud.

언플 (eon-peul)

This slang came from 언론플레이 (eonnonpeullei), means “media play.” This refer to manipulation of social media to create a persona for either personal idol or corporate brand image.

멘붕 (men-bung)

멘탈 (men-tal) means mental.
붕괴 (bung-goe) means collapse.
This means mental breakdown.

음란마귀 (eum-ran-ma-gwi)

This words refer to a pervert or evil person.

고퀄 (go-kwol)

고 (go) means high.
퀄리티 (kwol-li-ti) means quality
This means high quality.

개이득 (gae-i-deuk)

개 (gae) in korean slang means crazy.
이득 (ideuk) means benefit or profit.
This means huge profit.

웃프다 (ut-peu-da)

웃기다 (ut-gi-da) means funny.
슬프다 (seul-peu-da) means sad.
This means funny but sad at the same time.

불금 (bul-geum)

불 (bul) means fire.
금 came from 금요일 (geum-yo-il) means friday.
This means Thank God I’ts friday.

그린라이트 (geu-rin-la-i-teu)

Exactly just means the way it’s pronounce “Green light”, refers to relationship or dating between 2 individuals.

꿀팁 (kkul-tip)

꿀 (kkul) means “cool / really good.”
팁 (tip) means tip.
This means a great tip.

헐 (heol)

This is a surprised or shocked expression in korean slang, it’s same like OMG.

뭥미 (mwong-mi)

Came from the words 뭐임 (mwoim), means “what the heck“. Many koreans input the characters in wrong order as they hurry typing 뭐임 and became 뭐임 but have same meaning.

행쇼 (haeng-syo)

Came from the words 행복하십시오 (haeng-bok-ha-sib-si-o), means “let’s be happy!”.

엄친딸 (eom-chin-ttal)

Came from the words 엄마친구의 아들 (eommachinguui adeul) means my mom’s friend’s son) or 엄마친구의 딸 (eommachinguui ttal |my mom’s friend’s daughter), refer to my mom friends son or daughter who’s perfect and smart.

대박 (dae-bak)

I guess you already knew this one, this slang is use to describe a shocking awesomeness expression.

까도남 (kka-do-nam)

까칠한 (kka-chil-han) means abrasive.
도시 (do-si) means city.
남자 (nam-ja) means man.
This means arrogant guy.

댓츠 노노 (daet-cheu-nono)

Exactly just like it’s pronounciation means “that’s no no”.

더럽게 (deo-reop-ge)

Came from (더럽다) deo-reop-da, but slightly different meaning, it’s not use to describe dirt, but more into ‘so bad’.

만렙 (man-lep)

만 (man) means 10,000.
레벨 (re-bel) means level.
This means so good at doing something or master of something..

맛점 (mat-jeom)

Came from 맛있는 점심 (masinneun jeomsim),means “delicious lunch.”

밀당 (mil-dang)

밀다 (mil-da) means to push.
당기다 (danggida) means to pull.
This means pull and push in relationship.

극혐 (geuk-hyeom)

Came from the words 극한의 혐오 (geukanui hyeomo) means extreme disgust.
극한 (geukan) means “limit or extreme”.
혐오 (hyeomo) means “hatred, disgust or revulsion”.

모쏠 (mo-ssol)

Came from the words 모태솔로 (mo-tae sol-lo).
모태 (motae) means “mother’s womb.”
솔로 (sollo) sounds like “solo”.
This means someone who has never been in a relationship.

How do you think about these korean slang? Is it useful for you? Let us know in the comments below!

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