Contact Us!


First of all, THANK YOU for visiting our website

We’re so happy you are interested in Our Blog!

If you are looking for paid partnership, guest post or collaborate with Us, then you can keep reading on to make sure you know what to do next and what’s the requirements for guest post.

Interested In Paid Partnership?

THANK YOU for your interest! However, currently we do this website and social media all by ourselves. So we can’t reply all of the email.

Kindly contact us through our email: [email protected]
If your company is a good fit with our website, we will be in touch.

interested in Guest Post?

We’re looking for long-form content of 1000+ words and with the topic that will be helpful to our readers. Here are some topic we will be interested in:

  • Korea-based content: local guides to any of South Korea destinations, cafe, coffee shop, food, etc.

  • Outdoors activity: camping, hiking, and other outdoor adventures.

  • Unique things to do in specific cities. If you stay in a specific city in Korea for at least one year, then you can write articles about ‘unique things to do in xxx’.

  • Last but not least, we want you to write evergreen articles. This means, all articles that are short-lived (ex. event) will not be accepted.

NB: We are not interested in publishing your travel experience type of articles.  Instead, we are looking for an article that will be very helpful and informative that will help our readers plan their trip.

We look forward to hearing from you!